(* corresponding author)
- Behavioral Physiology and Neurogenetics of Insects
- Yang J, Mo BT, Li GC, Huang LQ, Guo H & Wang CZ* (2024) Identification and functional characterization of chemosensory genes in olfactory and taste organs of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Science doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.13350.
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- Wang CZ, Yan FM (2023) Semiochemicals and their application in control of insect pests. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 60: 313-314. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Guo H, Huang LQ, Wang CZ* (2023) Infochemicals used by parasitoids to find mates and hosts and their application in pest control. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 60: 375-388. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Yang K & Wang CZ* (2023) Progress in insect gustatory research and the application of related principles to pest control. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 60: 486-498. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Wang CZ & Lou YG (2023) Plant-Insect Interactions, Science Press, Beijing.
- Wang CZ & Lou YG (2023) Review and prospect of researches on the relationship between insects and plants. In: Wang CZ & Lou YG (eds), Plant-Insect Interactions, Science Press, Beijing. pp3-57. (in Chinese)
- Wang CZ, Guo H (2023) Host-plant selection and adaptation of Heliothinae. In: Wang CZ & Lou YG (eds.), Plant-Insect Interactions, Science Press, Beijing. pp 361-391. (in Chinese)
- Yang J, Yang K & Wang CZ (2023) Interactions among brassicaceous plants, herbivorous insects and their natural enemies mediated by glucosinolates. In: Wang CZ & Lou YG (eds.), Plant-Insect Interactions, Science Press, Beijing. pp 433-464. (in Chinese)
- Wang CZ, Li CY (2023) Interactions between plants and insects. In: Fang RX (ed.), General Introduction to the Interactions between Plants and Living Organisms, Science Press, Beijing. pp 360-398. (in Chinese)
- Guo H, Mo BT, Li GC, Li ZL, Huang LQ, Sun YL, Dong JF, Smith DP & Wang CZ* (2022) Sex pheromone communication in an insect parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae Uchida. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119: e2215442119.
- Chen Y, Wang PC, Zhang SS, Yang J, Li GC, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2022) Functional analysis of a bitter gustatory receptor highly expressed in the larval maxillary galea of Helicoverpa armigera. PLoS Genetics 18: e1010455.
- Fan XB, Mo BT, Li GC, Huang LQ, Guo H, Gong XL & Wang CZ* (2022) Mutagenesis of the odorant receptor co-receptor (Orco) reveals severe olfactory defects in the crop pest moth Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Biology 20: 214.
- Guo PP, Li GC, Dong JF, Gong XL, Wang L, Yang K, Yang J, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2022) The genetic basis of gene expression divergence in antennae of two closely related moth species, Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 10050.
- Guo H, Gong XL, Li GC, Mo BT, Jiang NJ, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2022) Functional analysis of pheromone receptor repertoire in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Pest Management Science 78: 2052-2064.
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- Zhou DS, Wang CZ* & van Loon JJA* (2022) Habituation to a deterrent plant alkaloid develops faster in the specialist herbivore Helicoverpa assulta than in its generalist congener Helicoverpa armigera and coincides with taste neuron desensitisation. Insects 13: 21.
- Jiang NJ, Mo BT, Guo H, Yang J, Tang R & Wang CZ* (2022) Revisiting the sex pheromone of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, a new invasive pest in South China. Insect Science 29: 865-878.
- Yang J, Guo H, Jiang NJ, Tang R, Li GC, Huang LQ, van Loon JJA & Wang CZ* (2021) Identification of a gustatory receptor tuned to sinigrin in the cabbage butterfly Pieris rapae. PLoS Genetics 17: e1009527.
- Guo H, Guo PP, Sun YL, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2021) Contribution of odorant binding proteins to olfactory detection of (Z)-11-hexadecenal in Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 131: 103554.
- Wang Y, Shi J, Cui H, Wang CZ* & Zhao Z* (2021) Effects of NPF on larval taste responses and feeding behaviors in Ostrinia furnacalis. Journal of Insect Physiology 133: 104276.
- Yang K & Wang CZ* (2021) Review of pheromone receptors in heliothine species: expression, function, and evolution. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 169: 156-171.
- Yang K, Gong XL, Li GC, Huang LQ, Ning C & Wang CZ* (2020) A gustatory receptor tuned to the steroid plant hormone brassinolide in Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). eLife 9: e64114.
- Li RT, Huang LQ, Dong JF & Wang CZ* (2020) A moth odorant receptor highly expressed in the ovipositor is involved in detecting host-plant volatiles. eLife 9: e53706.
- Liu X L, Zhang J, Yan Q, Miao CL, Han WK, Hou W, Yang K, Hansson BS, Peng YC, Guo JM, Xu H, Wang CZ, Dong SL & Knaden M* (2020) The Molecular Basis of host selection in a crucifer-specialized moth. Current Biology. 30: 4476-4482.
- Jiang NJ, Tang R, Guo H, Ning C, Li JC, Wu H, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2020) Olfactory coding of intra- and interspecific pheromonal messages by the male Mythimna separata in North China. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 125: 103439.
- Tang R, Jiang NJ, Ning C, Li GC, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2020) The olfactory reception of acetic acid and ionotropic receptors in the Oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata Walker. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 118: 103312.
- Sun YL, Dong JF, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2020) The cotton bollworm endoparasitoid Campoletis chlorideae is attracted by cis-jasmone or cis-3-hexenyl acetate but not by their mixtures. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 14: 169-179.
- Chen CY, Liu YQ, Song WM, Chen DY, Chen FY, Chen XY, Chen ZW, Ge SX, Wang CZ, Zhan S, Chen XY & Mao YB* (2019) An effector from cotton bollworm oral secretion impairs host plant defense signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: 116: 14331-14338.
- Jiang NJ, Tang R, Wu H, Xu M, Ning C, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2019) Dissecting sex pheromone communication of Mythimna separata (Walker) in North China from receptor molecules and antennal lobes to behavior. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 111: 103176.
- Wu H, Li RT, Dong JF, Jiang NJ, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2019) An odorant receptor and glomerulus responding to farnesene in Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 115: 103106.
- Zhang ZJ, Zhang SS, Niu BL, Ji DF, Liu XJ, Li MW, Bai H, Palli SR, Wang CZ & Tan AJ* (2019) A determining factor for insect feeding preference in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. PLoS Biology 17: e3000162.
- Sun YL, Dong JF, Ning C, Ding PP, Huang LQ, Sun JG & Wang CZ* (2019) An odorant receptor mediates the attractiveness of cis-jasmone to Campoletis chlorideae, the endoparasitoid of Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology 28: 23-34.
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- Guo H & Wang CZ* (2019) The ethological significance and olfactory detection of herbivore-induced plant volatiles in interactions of plants, herbivorous insects, and parasitoids. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 13: 161-179.
- Jiang NJ, Wang CZ. 2019. Progress of sex pheromone communication of the fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 62(8): 993-1002. (in Chinese with the English abstract)
- Yang K, Huang LQ, Ning C & Wang CZ* (2017) Two single-point mutations shift the ligand selectivity of a pheromone receptor between two closely related moth species. eLife 6: e29100.
- Li RT, Ning C, Huang LQ, Dong JF, Li X & Wang CZ* (2017) Expressional divergences of two desaturase genes determine the opposite ratios of two sex pheromone components in Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 90: 90-100.
- Di C, Ning C, Huang LQ & Wang CZ* (2017) Design of larval chemical attractants based on odorant response spectra of odorant receptors in the cotton bollworm. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 84: 48-62.
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- Cheng Q, Gu S, Liu Z, Wang CZ & Li X* (2017) Expressional divergence of the fatty acid-amino acid conjugate-hydrolyzing aminoacylase 1 (L-ACY-1) in Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta. Scientific Reports 7: 8721.
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- Physiological Ecology and Behavioral Neuroendocrinology of Rodents
- Zhang XY#*, Khakisahneh S#, Han SY, Song EJ, Nam YD* & Kim H* (2024) Ginseng extracts improve circadian clock gene expression and reduce inflammation directly and indirectly through gut microbiota and PI3K signaling pathway. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 10: 24.
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- Gao WT, Liu JX, Wang DH, Sun HJ* & Zhang XY* (2023) Melatonin reduced colon inflammation and had no effect on energy metabolism in ageing Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C 273:109731.
- Wang B, Zhang XY*, Yuan S, Fu HP, Wang CZ & Wang DH* (2023) Genetic diversity of a heat activated channel--TRPV1 in two desert gerbil species with different heat sensitivity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24: 9123.
- Liu M, Zhang XY*, Wang CZ & Wang DH* (2022) Recruitment of muscle genes as an effect of brown adipose tissue ablation in cold-acclimated Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). International Journal of Molecular Science 24: 342.
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- Nouri Z#, Zhang XY#*, Khakisahneh S, Degen AA & Wang DH* (2022) The microbiota-gut-kidney axis mediates host osmoregulation in a small desert mammal. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 8: 16.
- Khakisahneh S#, Zhang XY#*, Nouri Z & Wang DH* (2022) Caecal microbial transplantation attenuates hyperthyroid-induced thermogenesis in Mongolian gerbils. Microbial Biotechnology 15: 817-831.
- Bo TB#, Zhang XY#, Kohl KD, Wen J, Tian SJ & Wang DH* (2020) Coprophagy prevention alters microbiome, metabolism, neurochemistry and cognitive behavior in a small mammal. ISME Journal 14: 2625-2645.
- Khakisahneh S#, Zhang XY#, Nouri Z & Wang DH* (2020) Gut microbiota and host thermoregulation in response to ambient temperature fluctuations. mSystems 5: e00514-20.
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- Bo TB, Wen J, Zhao YC, Tian SJ, Zhang XY* & Wang DH* (2020) Bifidobacterium pseudolongum reduces triglycerides by modulating gut microbiota in mice fed high-fat food. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 198: 105602.
- Guo YY, Hao SY, Zhang M, Zhang XY & Wang DH* (2020) Aquaporins, evaporative water loss and thermoregulation in heat-acclimated Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Experimental Biology 91:102641.
- Lou SL, Zhang XY* & Wang DH* (2019) HSP70 plays a role in the defense of acute and chronic heat stress in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Thermal Biology 86: 102452.
- Guo YY, Chi QS, Zhang XY, Liu W, Hao SY & Wang DH* (2019) Brown adipose tissue plays thermoregulatory role within the thermoneutral zone in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Thermal Biology 81:137-145.
- Bo TB#, Zhang XY#*, Wen Jing, Deng K, Qin XW & Wang DH* (2019) The microbiota-gut-brain interaction in regulating host metabolic adaptation to cold in male Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). ISME Journal 13: 3037-3053.
- Yao W, Liu W, Deng K, Wang Z, Wang DH* & Zhang XY* (2019) GnRH expression and cell proliferation are associated with seasonal breeding and food hoarding in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Hormones and Behavior 112: 42-53.
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- Zhang XY, Sukhchuluun G, Bo TB, Chi QS, Yang JJ, Chen B, Zhang L & Wang DH* (2018) Huddling remodels gut microbiota to reduce energy requirements in a small mammal species during cold exposure. Microbiome 6:103.
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- Zhang XY, Shen W, Liu DZ, Wang DH*. 2018. Diversity of thermogenic capacity predicts divergent obesity susceptibility in a wild rodent. Obesity 26: 111-118.
- Yao W, Wang DH & Zhang XY* (2018) Photoperiodic refractoriness in energy balance: a specific pattern in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Science China: Life Sciences 61: 607-609.
- Zhang XY, Lou MF, Shen W, Fu RS & Wang DH* (2017) A maternal low-fiber diet predisposes offspring to improved metabolic phenotypes in adulthood in an herbivorous rodent. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90: 75-84.