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Dr. Sun Ping
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Sun Ping, Ph.D.
Postdoctral: 2006- 2008
E-Mail: pingsunny@msn.com; psun@nwipb.ac.cn
Affiliation: Animal Science and Technology College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Tianjin road 70#, Jianxi borough, Luoyang city 471003, He’nan province, China

Research Interests
The chemically communicating ecology and the behavioral ecology of wild animal are my favorite research fields. According the changes of behavior, I want to investigate the ecological purpose of any behaviors. Another field is the effect of global warming on wild animal. Any kinds of cooperation is welcome.

2002-2005, Doctor Degree of Zoology: Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, CAS
1999-2002, Master Degree of Zoology: Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, CAS
1995-1999, Bachelor Degree of Biological education: Department of Biology, Qufu Normal University

Prodessional Experience
2006.8- 2008.8, Postdoctoral research fellow in Institute of Zoology, CAS
2005-, Associate Professor in Zoology, Henan University of Science and Technology

Academic Awards
2003, Di’ao Second Class Awards from CAS
2004, Excellent Awards of Dean Scholarship from CAS

2006-2008. NSFC item (No. 30500073) (270,000 RMB) (Master Investigator).
2006-2008. Natural science item funded by Department of Education of Henan province (No. 2007180015) (10,000 RMB) (Master Investigator).
2005-2007. NSFC item (No. 30470311) (200,000 RMB) (Principal Investigator).
2004-2006. NSFC item (No. 30100016) (240,000 RMB) (Principal Investigator).

Main Publications

  1. Xu SX, Zhao XQ, Sun P, et al. 2002. A simulative study on effects of climate warming on nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility of herbage grown in Qinghai-Xizang plateau. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44(11):1357-1364. (SCI)
  2. Zhao TB, Ning HX, Zhu SS, Sun P, Chang ZJ, Zhao XQ. 2004. Cloning of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α cDNA from a high hypoxia tolerant mammal-plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) Biochemical and Biophysical research Communications, 259:523-526.(SCI)
  3. Sun P, Zhao XQ, Klein JA, Wei W H. 2005. Local warming about 1.3℃ in alpine meadow has no effect on root vole (Microtus oeconomus) population during winter. Polish Journal of Ecology, 50:123-127. (SCI)
  4. Sun P, Zhao X, Zhu W, Xu S. 2005. Effect of burrowing activity of root vole Microtus oeconomus PALLAS on plant diversity in alpine meadow. Polish Journal of Ecology, 53:123-127. (SCI)
  5. Sun P, et al. 2007. Behavioural reaction of root vole (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) males of different social ranks to familiar and novel odour of conspecific males. Polish journal of Ecology, 55(3):571-578. (SCI)
  6. Sun P, Yu H, Zhao X, Xu N, Zhao Y. 2007. Recognition to different kinship opposite-sex urine odors in root vole. Acta Theriol. Sin. 4:389–394. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  7. SUN Ping, YU Honghao, ZHAO Yajun, ZHAO Xinquan. 2007. The odor recognition of cross-fostered female root vole (Microtus oeconomus) to male’urine. Acta Theriol. Sin. 2:158–164. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  8. Sun P, Yu H, Zhao X, Xu N, Zhao Y. 2007. Retention of Parental Urine Odour of Post weaning Female Root Vole. Zoological Research, 28 (2): 141-148. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  9. Sun P, Zhao Y, Xu S, Zhao X. 2006. The discrimination to self and novel odours of male root voles (Microtus oeconomus) in different social status. Acta Theriol. Sin. 3:280–284. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  10. Sun P,Zhao YJ,Zhao XQ. 2004. Sexual dimorphism of odoural discrimination in root voles. Acta Theriol Sic, 24(4):315-321. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  11. Sun P,Zhao YJ,Zhao XQ, Xu SX,Li B M. 2005. Kin recognition in cross-fostered colonies of root voles (Microtus oeconomus): male response to urine odor of female siblings. Zool Res, 26(5):460 - 466. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  12. Sun P,Wei WH,Zhao YJ,Xu SX,Zhao TB,Zhao XQ. 2005a. Effects of Locally Environmental Warming on Root Vole Population in Winter. Acta Theriol Sin, 25 (3):261-268. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  13. Sun P, Zhao YJ, Zhao XQ, Li BM. 2005b. Male siblings competition and the recognition of odor between familiar and novel conspecifics of the same sex in root voles. Zool Res, 26 (3):230-236. (in Chinese with English abstract)



  • “Special English for Biology”, Editor, 2005, Inner Mongolian Science and Technology Press.
  • “Animal Science”, Editor, 2006, Chinese Agriculture University Press.


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