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    Selected publications

    1. Zhibin Zhang*, Bernard Cazelles, Huidong Tian, Leif Christian Stige, Achim Brauning and Nils Chr. Stenseth*. 2008. Periodic temperature-associated drought/flood drives locust plagues in China. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276: 823–831.
    2. Hongmao Zhang, Jinrui Cheng, Zhishu Xiao and Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Effects of seed abundance on seed scatter-hoarding of Edward’s rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi Muridae) at the individual level. Oecologia 158: 57–63.
    3. Zhishu Xiao, Gang Chang, Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Testing the high tannin hypothesis with scatter-hoarding rodents: Experimental and field evidence. Animal Behaviour 75: 1235-1241.
    4. Hongmao Zhang, Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Endocarp thickness affects seed removal speed by small rodents in a warm-temperate broad-leafed deciduous forest, China. Acta Oecologica 34: 285-293.
    5. Hongmao Zhang, Yu Chen, Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Differences of dispersal fitness of large and small acorns of Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis) before and after seed caching by small rodents in a warm temperate forest, China. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 1243–1250.
    6. XF YI, ZB ZHANG*. 2008. Influence of insect-infested cotyledons on early seedling growth of Mongolian oak, Quercus mongolica. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 46(1): 139–142.
    7. Xianfeng Yi, Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Seed dispersal of Korean pine Pinus koraiensis labeled by two different tags in a northern temperate forest, northeast China. Ecol Res 23: 379–384.
    8. Xianfeng Yi, Zhibin Zhang*. 2008. Seed predation and dispersal of glabrous filbert (Corylus Heterophylla ) and pilose filbert (Corylus Mandshurica ) by small mammals in a temperate forest, northeast China. Plant Ecology 196:135-142.

    1. Leif Christian Stige, Kung-Sik Chan, Zhibin Zhang*, David Frank, and Nils C. Stenseth*. 2007. Thousand-year-long Chinese time series reveals climatic forcing of decadal locust dynamics. PNAS 104: 16188-16193.
    2. Zhibin Zhang*, Yi Tao, Zhenqing Li. 2007. Factors affecting hare-lynx dynamics in the classic time series of the Hudson Bay Company, Canada. Climate Research 34: 83-89.
    3. Boyu Zhang, Zhibin Zhang, Zhenqing Li and Yi Tao. 2007. Stability analysis of a two-species model with transitions between population interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 248(1): 145-153.
    4. Hong Liang, Wenhua Xiong, Zhibin Zhang*. 2007. Effect of maternal food restriction during gestation on early development of F1 and F2 offspring in the rat-like hamster (Cricetulus triton). Zoology 110: 118-126.
    5. Hongjun Li, Zhibin Zhang*. 2007. Effects of mast seeding and rodent abundance on seed predation and dispersal by rodents in Prunus armeniaca (Rosaceae). Forest Ecology and Management 242: 511-517.
    6. Laixiang Xu, Mingjing Song, Yu Guo, Fanhua Kong, and Zhibin Zhang. 2007. The highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for the greater long-tailed hamster (Tscherskia triton). Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 617-619.
    7. Le Kang, Xingguo Han, Zhibin Zhang and Osbert Jianxin Sun. 2007. Grassland ecosystems in China: review of current knowledge and research advancement. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 362: 997-1008.
    8. Liao J, Zhang Z and Liu N. 2007. Effects of altitudinal change on the auditory bulla in Ochotona daurica (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). J Zool Syst Evol Res 45(2): 151-154.
    9. Zhang Z. 2007. The outbreak pattern of SARS cases in China as revealed by a mathematical model. Ecological Modeling 204: 420-426.
    10. Zhishu Xiao a, Marvin K. Harris, Zhibin Zhang. 2007. Acorn defenses to herbivory from insects: Implications for the joint evolution of resistance, tolerance and escape. Forest Ecology and Management 238: 302-308.

    1. Gang Chang, Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang*. 2006. Difference of hoarding and consumption behavior among seed-caching rodents in Dujiangyan region, China. Biotropica 38(6): 792-793. (Abstract).
    2. Zhishu Xiao, Yushan Wang, Marvin Harris, Zhibin Zhang*, 2006 Spatial and temporal variation of seed predation and removal of sympatric large-seeded species in relation to innate seed traits in a subtropical forest, Southwest China, Forest Ecology and Management, 222:46-54.
    3. Li H., Piao Y.S., Zhang Z.B., Hardy C.M. and Hinds L.A., 2006, Molecular cloning and assessment of the immunocontraceptive potencial of the zona pellucida subunit 3 from Brandt's vole (Microtus brandti). Reproduction, Fertility and Developement, 2006, 331-338.
    4. Zhishu Xiao, Patrick A. Jansen, Zhibin Zhang,* 2006, Using seed-taggingmethods for assessing post-dispersal seed fate in rodent-dispersed trees. Forest Ecology and Management 223: 18-23.
    5. Hong Liang, Zhibin Zhang, 2006. Food restriction affects reproduction and survival of F1 and F2 offspring of Rat-like hamster (Cricetulus triton). Physiology & Behavior 87: 607-613.
    6. Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang* 2006 Nut predation and dispersal of Harland Tanoak Lithocarpus harlandii by scatter-hoarding rodents. Acta Oecologica 29:205-213
    7. Da-Wei Wang, Jian-Xu Zhang, Zhen-Long Wang and Zhi-Bin Zhang. 2006. Seasonal changes in chronic social interactions and physiological states in female rat-like hamsters (Tscheskia triton) Physiology & Behavior 89(3): 420-427
    8. J. LIAO, Z. ZHANG and N. LIU. 2006. ALTITUDINAL VARIATION OF SKULL SIZE IN DAURIAN PIKA (OCHOTONA DAURICA PALLAS, 1868) Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (3): 319-329
    9. Mei-rong Zhao, Wei Qiu, Yu-xia Li, Zhi-bin, Dong Li and Yan-ling Wang. 2006. Dual effect of transforming growth factor b1 on cell adhesionand invasion in human placenta trophoblast cells Reproduction 132: 333-341

    1. Gao H., Peng J., Deng W., Shi D., Bao L., Wang D., Zhang B., and Zhang Z. 2005. Infection of SARS-CoV on juvenile and adult brandt's vole Microtus brandtii. Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 50(12):1199-1204.
    2. Cheng J., Xiao Z. and Zhang Z*. 2005. Seed consumption and caching on seeds of three sympatric tree species by four sympatric rodent species in a subtropical forest, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 216, 331-341.
    3. Mingjing Song, Zhibin Zhang*, Karsten Neumann, and Rolf Gattermann 2005. Sex-biased dispersal of greater long-tailed hamster (Tscherskia triton) revealed by microsatellites. Can. J. Zool. 83(6): 773-779.
    4. Xie, Jiayan, Zhang, Zhibin*, 2005, Mitochondrial dna phylogeography of populations of cricetulus triton in the north china plain. Journal of Mammalogy 86 ( 4 ): 833-840.
    5. J.X. Zhang, H.A. Soini, K.E. Bruce, D. Wiesler, S.K. Woodley, M.J. Baum and M.V. Novotny. Putative Chemosignals of the Ferret (Mustela furo) Associated withIndividual and Gender Recognition1Institute for Pheromone Research and Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, Chem. Senses 30: 1-11.
    6. Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang*, YushanWang, 2005. Effects of speed size on dispersal distance in five rodent-dispersed fagaceous species. Acta Oecologica 28: 221-229.

    1. Stephen A. Davis, Herwig Leirs, Roger Pech, Zhang Zhibin, Nils Chr..Stenseth 2004 On the economic benefit of predicting rodent outbreaks in agricultural systems, Crop Protection 23 305-314.
    2. Zhang Z., Sheng C., Ma Z. and Li D., 2004. The Outbreak pattern of the SARS cases in Asia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (17):1819-1823. [SCI]
    3. Zhishu Xiao,Zhibin Zhang,Yushan Wang 2004 Dispersal and germination of big and small nuts of Quercus serrata in a subtropical board-leaved evergreen forest, Forest Ecology and Management 195: 141-150
    4. Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang,Yushan Wang 2004 Impacts of scatter-hoarding rodents on restoration of oil tea Camellia oleifera in a fragmented forest. Forest Ecology and Management 196: 405-412.
    5. Hong Liang, Jianjun Zhang, Zhibin Zhang 2004 Food restriction in pregnant rat-like hamster (Cricetulus triton) affects endocrine, immune function and odor attractiveness of male offspring, Physiology and Behavior, 82 :453-458.
    6. Jian-Xu Zhang, Jia Ni, Fu-Yan Wu, Zhi-Bin Zhang 2004 Effects of social conditions on adult and subadult female rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton) J Ethol 22:161-165.

    1. Zhang Z., Pech R, Davis S, Shi D., Wan X., and Zhong, W. 2003. Extrinsic and intrinsic factors determine the eruptive dynamics of Brandt's voles Microtus brandti in Inner Mongolia, China. Oikos, 100:299-310.
    2. Zhang, Z. 2003. Mutualism or cooperation among competitors promotes coexistence and competitive ability. Ecological Modeling, 164(2-3): 271-282.
    3. Li, H-J, and Zhang Z-B*, 2003 Effect of rodens on acorn dispersal and survival of the Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis Koidz). Forest Ecology and Management, 176:387-396.
    4. Zhang J.X., C. Cao, H. Gao, Z.S. Yang, L Sun and Z.B. Zhang*, W.Z. Wang 2003 Effects of weasel odor on behavior and physiology of two hamster species. Physiology and Behavior, 79: 549-552.
    5. Zhang J.X., J. Ni, X.J. Ren, L. Sun, Z.B. Zhang*, Z.W. Wang 2003 Possible coding for recognition of sexes, individuals, and species in anal gland volatiles of Mustela eversmanni, and M. sibirica. Chem. Senses, 28, 381-388.
    6. Stenseth, N.C., Leir, H., Skonhoft, A., Davis, S.A., Pech, R.P., Andreassen, H.P., Singleton, G.R., Lima, M., Machangu, R.M., Makundi, R.H., Zhang, Z., Brown, P.B., Shi, D. & Wan Xinrong. 2003. Mice, Rats and People: the bio-economics of agricultural rodent pests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1,367-375.
    7. Zhang J. and Zhang Z.* 2003 Influence of operational sex ratio and density on the copulatory behavior and mating system of Brandt's vole Microtus brandti. Acta Theriologica, 48(3): 335-346.
    8. Yanming Zhang, Zhibin Zhang and Jike Liu, 2003 Burrowing rodents as ecosystem engineers: the ecology and management of plateau zokors Myospalax fontanierii in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Mammal Rev. 33(3):284-294.

    1. Wang Y.Q. Zhang Z.B. and Xu L.X. 2002 The genetic diversity of central and peripheral populations of rat-like hamster ((Cricetulus triton)). Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 47(3):201-206.
    2. Zhang J.X, Sun L, Zhang Z.B.*, Wang ZW, Chen Y. and Wang R. 2002 Volatile compounds in anal gland of Siberian weasels (Mustela sibirica) and Steppe polecats (M. eversmanni). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28(6):1297-1307.
    3. Dazhao Shi, Xinrong Wan, Stephen Davis, Roger Pech and Zhibin Zhang (2002) "Simulation of lethal and fertility control in a demographic model for Brandt's vole Microtus brandti", Journal of Applied Ecology, 39(2): 337-348.
    4. Zhang J.X., Zhang Z.Z.* and Wang Z.W. 2001 Seasonal changes in and effects of familiarity on agonistic behaviors of rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton). Ecological Research, 16, 309-317.
    5. Zhang Z. 2001 Relationship between El Nino/South Oscillation (ENSO) and population outbreaks of some lemmings and voles in Europe. Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 46 (13): 1067-1074.
    6. Zhang J.X., Zhang Z.B*. and Wang Z.W. 2001 Scent, social status and reproductive condition in rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton). Physiology and Behavior, 74:415-520.
    7. Zhang, Z. 2000 Mathematical models of wildlife management by contraception. Ecol Model., 132, 105-113.

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