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Ecological Genomic and Adaptation Group under the leadership of Dr. Kang was established in 1995. Using locusts and leafminers as model systems, the group has deciphered the mechanisms underlying locust phase change, insect cold hardiness, and chemical signals mediating tritrophic interactions in complex plant-pest-parasitoid webs. In the past decade, the group has examined the problems of eco-genomic, phenotypic plasticity, and behavior in locust biology and gauged the most important factors at the genomic, transcriptomic, metabolomic and epigenetic levels. This group’s success in discovering the molecular mechanisms of insect adaptation to changing environments is remarkable.

  Research Interests
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1. Eco-genomics: Discover the mechanisms of insect adaptation to environmental factors using genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic approaches. ...
2. Phenotypic plasticity: Study the polyphenism, ecological immunity, reproductive biology, ageing, and behavioral plasticity in response to population density and environmental changes in order to develop model systems related to human disease and health. ...
3. Neuroscience and behavior: Elucidate the neural and behavioral mechanisms in response to pheromones and inform-chemicals from intraspecific or inter-specific individuals, even in tri-trophic level system....
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Guo, X.J. , Yu, Q.Q. , Chen, D.F. , Wei, J.N. , Yang, P.C., Yu, J., Wang*, X.H., Kang*, L. 2020. 4-Vinylanisole is an aggregation phenomone in locusts. Nature , 584:584-588.
Wang, H.M. , Jiang, F. , Liu, X. , Liu, Q., Fu, Y.Y., Li, R., Hou, L., Zhang, J., He, J., Kang*, L. 2022. Piwi/piRNAs control food intake by promoting neuropeptide F expression in locusts. EMBO Reports, 5: e50851.
Wang, Y.D., Tong, X.W., Yuan, S.L., Yang, P.C., Li, L., Zhao, Y., Kang*, L. 2022, Variation of TNF modulates cellular immunity of gregarious and solitary locusts against fungal pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae. PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2120835119.
Du, B.Z., Ding, D., Ma, C., Guo*, W., Kang*, L. 2022. Locust density shapes energy metabolism and oxidative stress resulting in divergence of flight traits. PNAS. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2115753118.
Wei, J.N., Shao, W.B., Cao, M.M., Ge, J., Yang, P.C., Chen, L., Wang, X.H., Kang*, L. 2019. Phenylacetonitrile in locusts facilitates an antipredator defense by acting as an olfactory aposematic signal and cyanide precursor. Science Advances , DOI 10.1126/sciadv.aav5495.
Yang, M.L., Wang, Y.L., Liu, Q., Liu, Z.K., Jiang, F., Wang, H.M., Guo, X.J., Zhang*, J.Z., and Kang*, L. 2019. A β-carotene-binding protein carrying a red pigment regulates body-color transition between green and black in locusts. eLife , 7:e41362.
Hou L., Yang P.C., Jiang F., Liu Q. Guo, X.J., Ma, Z.Y., Du, B.Z., Li, T., Li, W.D., Xu, L.L., He, J., and Kang*, L. 2018. Dop1 enhances conspecific olfactory attraction by inhibiting miR-9a maturation in locusts. Nature Communications , 9(1): 1193.

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PI: Le KANG Wei GUO Dan YU Xiao-Jiao GUO Jing HE Ding DING
Copyright ©1995-2022 Eco-genomics and Adaptation Group, INSTITUTE OF ZOOLOGY, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 
Address: 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China